TROPICAL FISH CLUB OF BURLINGTON Presents, “Creeks of Wonder, Gabon 2023”
Open to all Members and Non-Members
Guest speaker Gary Elson will share his adventures in Gabon, “Creeks of Wonder, Gabon 2023”. Gary will be covering mostly Microctenopoma, Cichlids, Neolebias, some Lampeyes and Aphyosemions, with lots of additional info. on habitats. Anton Lamboj their group leader and a Gabonese Barb researcher went along for the adventure!
Meetings include door prizes, auction and fun! Learn more details about CatCon All-Aquarium Catfish Convention 2024 coming Nov 1-3.
Calling all Aquaholics! Join our growing membership and receive the following benefits:
*Access to experienced fish / aquatic plant keepers.
*Monthly meetings with in-person (and virtual) discussions that host a presentation from nationally recognized experts in the fields of tropical fish and aquatic plants.
*Free Door Prizes!
*Discounts on products, magazines and at local fish stores to T.F.C.B. members only.
*A chance to network, make new friends and be part of a responsible group of dedicated hobbyists focused on improving the hobby.
For more information, please visit:
TFCB Facebook Page @TropicalFishClubBurlington
Club Website