Welcome to our 2017 Stern Center for Language and Learning Symposium! This year we are expanding our focus on language to promote reading comprehension, cognitive processes involved in silent reading, and technology-based interventions to support these areas that are immediately implementable. Our presenters use current research to expand your practice.
So many technology options, but so little time to really know which tool is the best fit…sound familiar?
This “Bring Your Own Device” workshop will highlight the low-tech to high-tech tools that are out there designed to support the struggling reader and writer. This workshop will feature a balance of demonstration, instruction, and exploration so that all attendees leave with not only knowledge of what resources are out there, but how they can be implemented the very next day with the students you, as educators, work with.
To Register Click: https://fs24.formsite.com/sterncentervt/2017-spring-symp/index.html