Welcome to our 2017 Stern Center for Language and Learning Symposium! This year we are expanding our focus on language to promote reading comprehension, cognitive processes involved in silent reading, and technology-based interventions to support these areas that are immediately implementable. Our presenters use current research to expand your practice.
It is surprising that language has not been more deserving of our attention. Listening is, after all, the way in which children learn from their elders and from their teachers. Their strength as listeners and speakers has important implications for their ability to understanding content, whether it be language by ear or language by eye.
This workshop will focus on language as a skill in its own right, a skill that not only supports social interaction, but one that has the potential to foreshadow problems with reading comprehension and writing long before children have mastered the basic phonics skills. Participants will learn about the structure of language, the role that language plays in reading, writing, and math, how it is assessed, and activities to promote language development.
To Register click: https://fs24.formsite.com/sterncentervt/2017-spring-symp/index.html