Now YOU can help EFD save a life! Please join their efforts to help their honorary fire girl Addi, and others like her, by attending their blood drive event on Feb. 15, and/or by the ways listed below.
Donate blood on Feb 15, or bring a non-perishable food item to be accepted by Aunt Dot’s Place –
Pledge to donate blood another time in her honor via American Red Cross – Vermont-
Donate to Angel Flight NE, a service used by Addi and others in need of flights to medical services –
(see for inspiration!)
#AddiFireGirl #TinyWarrior #EssexFireAndRescue #AngelFlightNE #AuntDots
Addi’s story:
9 year old Addi Carroll, inspires countless people every day by courageously fighting a progressive battle against a complex life-threatening disease. She requires frequent out-of-state medical care on an average of one day per week over her lifetime and there have been countless, powerful highs and scary lows on this unique journey. One time we feared the worst was in late 2018 when she was hospital and homebound for over two months. The support of her community, Essex Fire, Essex Rescue, and blood transfusions brought her back to continue inspiring us. Addi’s firefighters and other loved ones are so very thankful for this gift of life and we would like others to have the same chance. To this end, The Essex Fire Fighter’s Association has organized a Blood Drive, Food Drive and Angel Flight NorthEast Fundraiser all in honor of their Fire Girl Addi.
EFD first met Addi when filling her pool granted by Make-A-Wish Vermont. Since then she has been our biggest fan, and we have paraded down her street, hosted dinners at our station and made her an honorary member with her own personalized shirt.